Plaque Simulator is primarily designed to use a wired USB multibutton mouse with a scroll-ball such as the Apple "Mighty" mouse. Plaque Simulator also suports several common trackpad and forceTouch gestures on Apple laptops. Optional add-on accessories such as the wireless Bluetooth Apple Magic Mouse™ and/or Magic Trackpad™ 2 bring gesture support to desktop computers such as the Mac Pro and iMac. 2009-2012 era Mac Pros (aluminum towers) may require a Bluetooth 4 upgrade kit to fully support the Trackpad 2.

The most useful gesture is trackpad rotation. The target of the trackpad rotation gesture varies by window. In the Setup Window and Retinal Diagram the plaque is rotated about its center. In the Plaque Loading Window the current context of the rotation control (e.g seed carrier) is rotated. In the 2D Dosimetry Window the meridian plane is rotated about the AP axis of the eye. In the Image Window the image enhancement knobs and the currently active calibration tool may be rotated.

In Plaque Simulator, the right button of a mouse often provides the same functionality as a deep press on a forceTouch trackpad, and a mouse horizontal scroll emulates a trackpad rotation gesture.

Magic Trackpad™

Plaque Simulator suports these standard magic trackpad gestures:


Zoom in or out

Pinch with two fingers to zoom in or out.



Move two fingers around each other to rotate the plaque or other item.



Slide two fingers up or down to scroll.


Secondary click

Click or tap with two fingers to perform a secondary click.


Smart zoom

Double-tap with two fingers to zoom in (or out) by 2X, repeat to continue zoom. Pause 2 seconds to reverse direction. The reverse direction interval can be customized in PS preferences.

Magic Mouse™

Plaque Simulator suports these standard magic mouse gestures:



Slide one finger up or down to scroll.


Secondary click

Click the right side of the mouse.


Smart zoom

Double-tap with one finger to zoom in (or out) by 2X, repeat to continue zoom. Pause 2 seconds to reverse direction. The reverse direction interval can be customized in PS preferences