Plane Location Window

In the plane location window you can precisely position and orient the meridian and coronal dosimetry planes. The buttons automatically adjust the plane to pass through various locations such as suture eyelets or the tumor apex.

From the Setup Menu select.


or the Plot menu:


Rotate and translate the misc. dosimetry plane: controls group

The miscellaneous dosimetry plane is defined in eye coordinate space and can be reconstructed in the same manner of other multiplanar reconstructions such as meridan, coronal and sagital panes.

The miscellaneous dosimetry plane is similar in concept to a meridian plane. The actual meridian plane rotates about an axis line connecting the eye center and the posterior pole (this line corresponds to the X axis of the eye coordinate system). The miscellaneous plane rotates about a contained axis line between the eye center and some point on the sclera, such as the center of the optic disc (default), the center of a plaque, the posterior pole, or a user customizeable point on the sclera defined by azimuth and elevation angles with respect to the posterior pole as viewed from the anterior pole.

The default purpose for the miscellaneous plane is to plot dosimetry in the notched region of a plaque abutting the optic nerve. A miscellanaous plane may also be offset (translated) from passing through the center of the eye but this is rarely useful.

  • Synchronize plaques - If enabled, manually set miscellaneous plane directions are copied to all plaques. When disabled, the angles must be set independently for each plaque.
  • Direction of axis menu - This popup menu selects the direction of a vector originating at the center of the eye about which to rotate the miscellaneous plane. The default vector points towards the center of the optic disc. The default rotation of the plane around this axis line directed towards the optic disc is to have the plane also intersect the center of the plaque. This simplifies plotting dosimetry in the notch of a plaque abutting the disc and nerve.
  • Rotate and translate group - Note: The azimuth and elevation controls are disabled when the direction of the axis of rotation is pointing towards a predefined point such as the posterior pole, center of optic disc or center of a plaque.
    • Rotation - Rotates the miscellaneous plane around the axis line between the eye center and a directed point on the sclera. You can rotate the plane here or more typically by using the angular rotation controls in the Rotate & Translate group of the Planar Dosimetry Window.
    • Elevation - Y axis rotation of the directed vector about the XY plane through the posterior pole.
    • Azimuth - Z axis rotation of the directed vector about the XZ plane through the posterior pole.
  • Translate plane center group
    • X - X offset of plane center from eye center.
    • Y - Y offset of plane center from eye center.
    • Z - Z offset of plane center from eye center.
    • Note: translations are applied after all rotations around the eye center have been completed.

Translate coronal dosimetry plane to: controls group

  • Synchronize plaques - If enabled, a manually set coronal plane x-axis offset is copied to all plaques. When disabled, the coronal plane x-axis offset from the equator must be set independently for each plaque. Dosimetry plane autotracking overrides synchronization and always assumes independent dosimetry planes for each plaque.
  • Presets group
    • Equator - translates the coronal plane to the equator.
    • Tumor Apex - translates the coronal plane to pass through the tumor apex.
    • Plaque Center - translates the coronal plane to pass through the plaque center.
    • T-Cor. Image - translates the coronal plane match the position of the tumor coronal image.
    • Tumor Base - translates the coronal plane to pass through the center of the tumor base.
    • Plaque Eyelets - .

Rotate meridian dosimetry plane to: controls group

  • Synchronize plaques - If enabled, a manually set meridian plane angle is copied to all plaques. When disabled, the plane angle must be set independently for each plaque. Dosimetry plane autotracking overrides synchronization and always assumes independent dosimetry planes for each plaque.
  • Flip 180° - rotates plane 180°.
  • Presets group
    • Axial Meridian - rotates meridian plane to be the axial plane.
    • Sagittal Meridian - rotates meridian plane to be the sagittal plane.
    • Plaque Center - rotates meridian plane to pass through the plaque center.
    • Tumor Apex - rotates meridian plane to pass through the tumor apex.
    • Tumor Base - rotates meridian plane to pass through the center of the tumor base.
    • T-Mer. Image - rotates the meridian plane to match the position of the tumor meridian image.
  • Intersect suture eyelet groupo group
    • A1..B1 - rotates meridian plane to pass through suture eyelet.

Toolbar controls:

  • Plaque - Selects the currently active plaque.
  • Lock - Locks all 2D planes for all plaques at their current locations and disables all controls that vary plane location across all windows and menus.

Other controls:

  • Planes track plaque motion - when checked, the meridian and coronal dosimetry planes will automatically adjust to pass through the center of the plaque as it moves. Enabled by default.